
Monday, December 7, 2020

What is Machine Learning?

Angeline's Ordering Decimals Revision

Today for learning I learned for Math about Ordering Decimals Revision. How you do this if you have a question like, In every lane there is a number but if it's the number zero it won't add the biggest number it would be probably stay the same. and it's goes for example, if I had "0.6, 0.3, 0.4, 0.9" I would need to put them from the smallest number to the biggest like it goes, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.9. I really enjoyed today's math because I learned something that I understand really well. I hope you found fun in my learning today also. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

My Advent DLO

Angeline's The People Of Advent

 Rapid recap, the coming of Jesus. Term 4

Today In Religious Education I completed my activity of The People Of Advent. Hope your enjoy my work because be prepared for my next blogs coming soon.

WALT: Recognise that the advent reading from Isaiah helps people hope for the messiah and remind them to prepare for his coming.

Match the sentences together and then write a short paragraph using those sentences to inform your readers about advent. Create either a DLO or storyboard about the events of advent.

1, the penitential or preparation seasons of the Liturgical year are - Advent & Lent.

2, The liturgical year begins each year - the first Sunday of Advent.

3, the most important feast in the Liturgical year is - Easter the day of Jesus resurrection.

4, The colour you would see featured in the church decorations, during ordinary time is - Green, the colour of hope. 

5, In the homily the hymns  and scripture readings for advent the theme is - Repentance, fasting, prayer and giving to the poor.

6, The Sunday scripture readings are set out in a - Three Year Cycle - Year A,B,C.      

7.  The liturgical cycle of the Catholic church is shared with - Other Christian churches with a few exceptions.

8. The season begins on - Ash Wednesday and lasts 6 weeks ending on Holy Saturday, the Saturday before Easter.

9. Ordinary Time lasts for 34 weeks is - spread over 2 blocks, after Easter and after the Epiphany.

10. The Liturgical Feasts and seasons are celebrated - people in the liturgical celebrations in Church communities. 



Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Angeline's Converting Fraction Term 4 2020

Today in Math today I finally completed my Converting Fractions Activity with the help of my problem solving abilities I was able to work out my answers. So for example 8/5(this is a fraction, 8/5) and turn that into 8÷5 = 0.16 (which is a decimal) and move the 0 two times to the right and it's 16% (which is also a percent/percentage). So I'm giving you a challenge for you guys to complete for me, I want you guys to learn these (5/4 2/5 1/3 and try to turn these problems into these decimal form & percentage form. Also comment down below what you learned in this lesson because get ready for some more amazing learning coming soon. Hoped your enjoyed your day because I will see you in the next blog.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Angeline - Sun Facts

Today in Inquiry I did some facts about the sun with a little bit of maths in it as well. The sun is a giant star, a hot ball of energy gives us humans the energy to take the power to be able to walk and run. including the sun is at the heart/middle of the solar system. Without the heat & energy of the sun, there would be no life on earth anywhere because the galaxy would be a Ice age. There's billions of stars like the sun that circle around the milky way galaxy. So comment down below if you know any more facts about the sun, if so. Hoped your had a great day because wait for my next blog.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Angeline - Stories About Mary (Part 2)

Today in R.E, I did a little piece of work about the major events in Mary's life. Mary became a servant of God and a mother of a baby named Jesus, there was Joseph who was engaged with Mary also the Father Of Baby Jesus. It builds on to when the angel Gabriel told Mary that she was going to be married to Joseph and have a Baby named Jesus and give birth to his in Bethlehem including when he says that Baby Jesus will become the most Holy and powering person in the world who will also become the son of God. Also comment down below if your had a Huge Major event in your life before, if so. Hoped your had a amazing learning day because I will see you in my next blog.