
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Great Legend of the Samoa Tattoo!

The Great Legend of the Samoa Tattoo! 

The legensays, there was two women named Taema & Tilafaiga both of them were conjoined together because they were special and lucky to have each others back when something happens so they are twins and on there tv it said it was traditional are women to get tattoos in fiji, one of the twins were asking if we should go to fiji and learn the ways of getting tattoos, as they decide to go. So they went by swimming all the fiji and learned the ways of the tattoos designs and stuff, after learning the ways of the tattoos they both swam back to samoa, but on the way back they came across a shiny glow in the distance, which was coming from the bottom of the  ocean. As they went swimming deep down into the ocean they saw a gorgeous pearl they want it so bad they didn't even notice a great current was coming for them, as there got hit they sit right next to the pearl. After that crazy incident, the twins had forgotten the song they were singing just not so long ago, the twin swam all the way back to Samoa and tried to remember the words that they were given. They were thinking so hard they say I think it to tell the men and not the women, when they both thought that the song went like that, they told everyone in Samoa about it, so as the twins mistake went on the men got the Pe'a while the women wear the Malu. So all I want you to do is comment down below if one of your family members had the Malu or the Pa'e? Hope you loved todays Story of How Samoa got Tattoo , from that day on.  

Space Out

Today's work was about for everyone to alway haves to Space Out. spacing out is fine and we can space out when ever, like when you are playing a game of pass we have to space out, when you are dancing for a important moment you have to space out. spacing out is good and what else is good, for you to comment down below of what you think Space out means to you? if you comment, good for you! because do you know why I have the Samoa flag? because it is Samoa language week! I can celebrate it by using the theme as Samoa. Hope you enjoy Samoa language week and if you want to completely your own question on the same site just click EslNews to complete your questions!       

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Return of the Moa? (Part 2)

Today I want to know if a Moa will be able to come back alive from the dead, well if our a Science test you can collect DNA of the Moa and test the samples 

on some objects or something that you are thinking
of. But, imagine if we had Moas in these days? what would the act like, what would they smell like, what would they like look! comment down below if you had a answer to those questions? 

Hope you enjoy your day at school or at home, make sure you always wash your hand, keep your distance & don't leave your bubble if your sick. Just have a 

lovely day and stay safe.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Return of the Moa?

Today in my literacy group, we readed a book called The Return of the Moa? this question is a very interesting question would you like the Moa to come back to life? comment down below to answer. Also you can do your own activity, just click this link The Return of the Moa? and make your own copy, by pressing the File and you will see Make a copy. Hope you enjoy your Afternoon!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Amazing R.E!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Strong PE Muscles!

What I learned today was that muscle are used for a lot of things like Calves they are used for going forward and backward or a face is used for eating something or chewing a nose is used for smelling and breathing, eyes are used for seeing and hair is for looking good :). Right now I want you to comment down below if you touch a brain in your life and tell me what it looked like and what did it smell like. Hope you Stay Safe, keep washing your hands all the time and pray that you won't get Coronavirus, Hope you Enjoy that this is the Last day of online learning. And always enjoy your day.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Interesting Marae Parts!

Today I learned about Parts Of An Marae! there not easy to learn but you can search or learn it, there's a lot of Maori words that you can learn, like hikuaua kaikanohi ngahau! which in english mean, Patterns looks interesting, want to know how I write that go to Maori Dictionary to check out a new skill you never achieve before. Don't forget to comment down if you have creative a awesome new pattern or remade a old pattern? you don't have to try and show the picture you can describe it. Hope you enjoy this blog, also have a Mesmerising evening.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

My Wild Boy Adventure!

What I want my "Huge Awesome' Adventure to be traveling under the sea where all the interesting fish and coral are at. Also I can tell you something, I want you to comment down below what Adventure you want to do will your old enough, comment down below right now 
to share your dream in once and a lifetime. Have a brilliant afternoon and hope you love this blog. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The 28th Maori Battalion!

The Maori Battalion was New Zealand Protects, who had always way out to war to fight for there country, and never let them down or never give up on all the Kiwis on New Zealand. Comment down below if you have made any Anzac Cookies? comment down below your recipe, but if it's secret to your family don't share it. Hope you have a Awesome night!😴😴  

Monday, May 4, 2020

Midnight for Charlie Bone - Chapter 1

Ahh, Midnight for Charlie Bone-Chapter 1. This book is a good book, you will want to read it all the time, well I would like to read it every time. Comment down below if you want to read this book? also there is a audio book for this book Midnight for Charlie Bone-Chapter 1 hope you really <3 my Charlie Bone.