One foggy day me and my cure were searching for treasure because we are pirates and we always want to search for treasure. We search
Search search and SEARCH! It was hard to find it we try but is can’t
Never ever find the treasure like never. So we had to sacrifice one of us to go down to the ocean to search for that treasure all of us played
Rock paper scissors shot! I did rock some people did paper also some
People did scissors too. Only one person did rock the only one person
Had to go down to the ocean at a time I was the captain so I don’t have to go down to the ocean one by one went and sacrifice for me
There was one more person so I decide to give up so I sat on my chair all day long. Suddenly there was a sound it’ was our boat it sound like it was going to sink so I decide that it was my time to
Sacrifice myself it was sinking fast and it was time for me to die so the think that the plan did awesome so I closed my eyes and finish myself.
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