
Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Story of Easter!

A reading from the Gospel of St.Matthew 28:1-10
After two days before when Jesus died on the cross which was when he sacrifice for us by

taking all the consequences that happen on Good Friday in your household he told all the pain away. 

On Easter Sunday Mary and Mary Magdalene came to visit Jesus in the tomb, when they enter the tomb a mighty earthquake came tumbling in,

suddenly a Angel of the lord dive into the tomb and said, Don’t be afraid! I hear that you are looking for Jesus, well the reason I came because Jesus has rise from the dead.

So you two go spread the very good news about Jesus to the disciples. They got to the disciples and told them everything, will they spared it to peter he told Mary and Mary Magdalene take me to him they taken his to the tomb and saw a man planting

The plants in the garden, when they saw the caring man they told him to turn around, when he did it was miracle the caring man was Jesus. Jesus said if you don’t believe me I will show you 

my the palms on my hands, Jesus show his hands there were hole and that meant Jesus was alive. Suddenly they all grab his feet and respect him.

                           The Gospel of the Lord

Today I have learned that Easter is not just about candy chocolate and lollies it's about when Jesus dies on the cross and taking all the sins we do on Good Friday but it's not a bad thing that Jesus died it's kind of a good thing plus he comes back alive from the dead and everyone will be happy once again :).


  1. Hi Angeline you are good at drawing keep up the good work

  2. hi angel i like how you drawled, the picture by your self. I like how you split ,the writing in to parts, i think that you did a good job.

  3. Hi Angeline. I liked how you told us the story of Jesus Resurrection then showed us a drawing
    of Jesus waking up and a angel next to him.

  4. Hi Angel, I really like your story about Jesus Resurrection

  5. Also do you guys want to ask any questions you have in mind?

  6. i love your writing it cool angel.😷 i wish that you stay safe ok 😷
